Course: JavaScript

Progress (0%)

  1. Foundation

  2. Numbers

  3. Strings

  4. Conditions

  5. Loops

  6. Arrays

  7. Functions

  8. Objects

  9. Exceptions

  10. HTML DOM

  11. CSSOM

  12. Events

  13. Drag and Drop

  14. opt Touch Events

  15. Misc

  16. Project: Analog Clock

Exercise: Dynamic Lists

Exercise 48 Easy

Prerequisites for the exercise

  1. HTML DOM — Selecting Elements
  2. HTML DOM — Attributes
  3. All previous chapters


Fill up those <ol> and <ul> elements with <li> elements that have a data-list attribute on them.


Consider the following <ol> list:


We'd call this a static list, i.e. it's present in the HTML source code as it is.

Now consider the following code:

<ol data-list="Python|JavaScript|Java|Ruby"></ol>

The collection of elements to be included in the <ol> element is given in its data-list attribute. Each element is separated from the other using the pipe (|) character.

If we were to use some JavaScript to fill up this <ol> element with <li> elements, each containing one item from the data-list collection, this list would be called a dynamic list, i.e. it gets created dynamically and is not already there in the HTML source code.

In this exercise, you have to dynamically fill up all <ol> and <ul> elements containing a data-list attribute, in a given HTML document, with <li> elements.

Your solution MUST employ the DocumentFragment interface.

Shown below are a handful of examples.

If the HTML document has the following markup (obviously excluding <html>, <head> and <body> tags here),

<ol data-list="Python|JavaScript|Java|Ruby"></ol>

your JavaScript code should turn it into the following:

<ol data-list="Python|JavaScript|Java|Ruby">

There is no need to remove the data-list attribute from the element node; just add the desired <li> elements, that's it.

Similarly, if the HTML source code is the following,


<ol data-list="1|2|3"></ol>

<ul data-list="Machine Learning|AI|Deep Learning"></ul>


your code should turn it into the following:


<ol data-list="1|2|3">

<ul data-list="Machine Learning|AI|Deep Learning">
   <li>Machine Learning</li>
   <li>Deep Learning</li>


Note that since the first <ol> and the last <ul> elements here didn't have the data-list attribute, we didn't concern ourselves with them.

View Solution

New file

Inside the directory you created for this course on JavaScript, create a new folder called Exercise-48-Dynamic-Lists and put the .html solution files for this exercise within it.


Step one is to select all <ol> and <ul> elements on the document and then filter out those that have the data-list attribute present on them. These filtered elements are what concern us. We ought to dynamically fill them up with <li> elements.

Step two, once we have a collection of all the concerning <ol> and <ul> elements, is to process each one of them. And for this, we'll create a function.

The function, let's call it fillUpList(), would take in a list element node (<ol> or <ul>), read its data-list attribute, and then fill up the node with <li> elements (hence the name, fillUpList).

Below, we define the function:

function fillUpList(listElement) {
   // Read and process the data-list attribute.
   var list = listElement.getAttribute('data-list').split('|');

   var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
   var listItemElement;

   // Create an <li> element for each item of list.
   for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
      listItemElement = document.createElement('li');
      listItemElement.textContent = list[i];

   // Dump the set of <li> elements inside the <ol>/<ul> element.

With the function in hand, let's now come back to selecting all <ol> and <ul> elements.

This is accomplished below:

function fillUpList(listElement) {
   /* ... */

var listElements = document.querySelectorAll('ol, ul');

for (var i = 0, len = listElements.length; i < len; i++) {
   // If the <ol>/<ul> element has a data-list attribute,
   // fill it up with <li> elements.
   if (listElements[i].hasAttribute('data-list')) {


Let's now test this code on the following HTML markup:


<ol data-list="1|2|3"></ol>

<ul data-list="Machine Learning|AI|Deep Learning"></ul>


Live Example

As expected, it works just as desired.